Tod-Fod-Jod School program
Why Tod-Fod-Jod:
Most School education in India focuses on remembering and understanding concepts and facts. A
vast majority of our children in school do not have any connection between the concepts they are
learning to the real world around them. Students are not getting any chance/opportunity to apply
their knowledge and explore it in a hands-on, real world context. Such application and creation in
the form of “tinkering” and “experimentation” is vital to nurturing creative and innovative
children. If India wants to become the super power in the world then students have to think
innovatively or differently
About TFJ
Tod-Fod-Jod is a supplementary learning approach to current education. It is conceptualized by
Vadodara Innovation Council in 2012, started with workshops for facilitators and students on pilot
basis in Vadodara and now in 2019-20 a well established, structured, year-long program which
can be replicated across different districts.
Tod-Fod-Jod is a Vadodara Innovation Council (VIC) Endeavour to provide resources,
methodologies, inspiration & mentors to students, education institutes and parents so they can
apply and create an eco-system for Tod-Fod-Jod in schools, communities and homes.
With Tod-Fod-Jod, students get to de-construct (Tod) everyday products that they see and/or use.
As they figure out how these products are designed and how they work (Fod), students connect
multi-disciplinary concepts they learn in textbooks to real life applications. They draw inspiration
from ideas and inspirations of others. They may re-construct (Jod) these products, repair (Jod)
them (which involves great deal of hands-on problem solving) or re-purpose (Jod) them to do
create something completely different or Innovative.